Complex Coverage, Demystified.

Designed by highly experienced underwriters

We work with our broker partners to explain our wordings and produce bespoke solutions to meet a client’s needs when required.







Insurance products designed with you in mind

Directors & Officers Liability (D&O)

D&O Liability Insurance protects individuals acting in such positions from any personal losses as a result of a claim in respect of their actions. In essence, covering the decision-makers against the risks of running a business.

Kayzen's D&O offering, designed to indemnify individuals for their legal costs and any resultant damages, delivers peace of mind, shielding decision-makers from the financial consequences of their actions and ensuring they can lead with confidence in the world of business.

If you would like to know more about Kayzen’s Directors & Officers Liability proposition, please contact a member of the team.

Management Liability

Kayzen's Management Liability offering, comprising of four potential sections of cover, is designed to encompass not only the management responsibilities, but also the risks associated with running a business. It’s a vital component of a company’s risk transfer programme to allow them to run the business whilst protecting their balance sheet from the financial consequences of their actions and ensuring they can lead with confidence in the world of business.

If you would like to know more about Kayzen’s Management Liability proposition, please contact a member of the team.

Employment Practice Liability

Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Insurance is a type of insurance designed to protect those responsible for a workforce from claims brought by their past, current, or even former employees.

In the event of a covered claim, the policy will provide legal costs and damages alongside access to expert legal advice. Kayzen's EPL insurance product is designed to offer employers the confidence and financial security needed to navigate the complex landscape of employment-related disputes.

If you would like to know more about Kayzen’s Employment Practice Liability proposition, please contact a member of the team.

Commercial Crime

Commercial crime insurance safeguards a business against fraud perpetrated by an employee, external persons, or a combination of both working in tandem. Kayzen’s Commercial Crime insurance product is designed to protect a business’s balance sheet – an excess will apply to all Policies and the excess level will be bespoke and based on the risk proposed.

Pension Trustees Liability

Pension Trustees Liability insurance covers businesses offering pension benefits, pension schemes or similar plans to employees, extending coverage to the business and scheme trustees. This insurance is especially relevant with the rise of stakeholder schemes, where directors often bear responsibility for ensuring suitable pension access for all employees.

Kayzen's Pension Trustees Liability offering is uniquely designed to safeguard businesses and trustees while ensuring compliance and financial security.

Launching Soon

Public Offering of Securities Insurance

Public Offering of Securities Insurance (POSI) is designed for organisations considering providing securities to public or private investors. These offerings tend to be overlaid by a prospectus or offer document, often creating new and enhanced exposures. Exposures include scrutiny from investors, investment advisers, regulatory bodies, and the appropriate governing entity for any listed company.

Want to know more?